Digihealthstart.NRW Monitor 2023
For the DIGIHEALTHSTART.NRW MONITOR 2023, founders from the digital health sector in NRW were surveyed for the second time since 2022. A total of over 50 founders took part in the online survey and interviews.
The report shows that the German healthcare market is still very attractive for start-ups and overall, the NRW ecosystem is rated well as start-up location. However, founders also describe challenges, particularly related to bureaucracy and financing. The report was presented at the MEDICA fair 2023.
Innovationsreport Care and Mobility Innovation 2023
Based on a comprehensive potential analysis for the digital healthcare industry and a regional strategy process, the Care and Mobility Innovation 2023 innovation report derives a vision for the future of healthcare in the year 2030, which forms the basis for the development of a regionally driven innovation strategy for the Aachen region. Prioritized measures are provided as recommendations for the stakeholders in the Aachen region based on extensive data from interviews and workshops with key stakeholders from academia, industry, healthcare, politics and administration.
Commissioned by the Region Aachen Zweckverband and the City of Aachen as part of the Care and Mobility Innovation project.
Digital Health Start-up Monitor NRW 2022
North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) as a start-up location is generally rated positively by digital health start-ups and the number of start-ups in the field of digital health is increasing. But there is also potential for improvement in order to support founders in the field of digital health even better in the future. The NRW Digital Health Start-up Monitor 2022 proposes four concrete actions to create a founder-friendly NRW digital health start-up ecosystem.
Commissioned by and in cooperation with the Ruhr University Bochum, funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia.